Using CORE, we can build out a full character, including using our Character Building sheet.
C – Class
O – Origin
R – Race
E – Ethos
Selecting a Class: A character’s class describes the skills they possess and utilize when exploring the world or fighting monsters. There is a variety of classes, separated into Base classes and Hybrid classes. Each Base class has one governing skill, with specializations that become available when your governing tree reaches Rank 3. Hybrid classes have more than one governing skill, but no specializations. After choosing your class, you may then allocate 50 xp to their class and martial skills, building out the character’s combative skill set.
Once your class is decided, pick a trained skill from their list to gain for free.
Selecting an Origin: Origin describes not just the location your character comes from, but where they gained their skills, and became who they are as a person. There are many origin options varying from well-established towns sheltered from the storm, academies that teach particular skills or pursue a specific goal, or small groups of like-minded people just trying to get by. Each origin has descriptions of the region you’re coming from, and a physical attribute that displays where you’re from, typically an accessory or type of clothing.
Once your origin is decided, pick which trained skill to gain from their list for free. After deciding which Origin you will play, you will also decide an Origin Bonus, a special skill gained by your character’s upbringing.
Selecting a Race: Your race will determine your character’s appearance. There are many intelligent humanoid species in Tridia. Every race aside from human has some form of physical attribute that must be worn to physically represent you are not a human. Some races are easier and need only a small accessory, whereas some races have much higher expectations including makeup, horns, or wings. Additionally, you may also choose to be Stormborn and/or Pactbound. These are optional variants of your race that come with benefits and drawbacks, as well as stigmas that may affect interactions with other characters.
Once your race is decided, pick which trained skill to gain from their list.
Selecting your Ethos: Ethos describes your character’s guiding philosophy. It is how they view life and how they behave as a person. Every character chooses at least one Ethos for themselves. Clerics must choose two additional Ethos associated with their deity. Oathbound Knights choose four additional Ethos associated with their deity or discipline.
By this point, you should have a chosen Class to battle as, with 50xp allocated into class or martial skills, an Origin to have hailed from, a Race to embody, and an Ethos to guide you. Along with three Trained skills to use on your adventures. Choose your starting equipment, and you’re ready to adventure!
There are a few important game mechanics such as Prestige, Exhaustion, Affinity, and changes to Melee. These mechanics may inform how you will build your character.