
For the most part, the playable races in Tridia conform to fantasy standards found in other media, with a few exceptions. There are some playable races that are not normally available in other fantasy games, or some that deviate from standard tropes. While Lacuna, Sylph, and Half-trolls may not be familiar to players, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs probably are. Orcs are a fierce people, but are more honorable and less outright evil than in other media. The following section contains brief descriptions of the playable races and the benefits of playing each race. Keep in mind that Tempest of Tridia is a player driven game, and much of the background and history of its people is left up to you, the player. Consult with a storyteller for more information.
In addition to a chosen free Trained Skill, all characters are able to speak and read/write the Common tongue, as well as speak and read/write in their race’s native language.
**Every race aside from human requires some sort of physical representation (or phys rep) to denote that your character is not a human. Some require less than others. More complex phys rep requirements are noted.**


As the most adaptable and versatile of the races of Tridia, you can find humans just about anywhere doing just about anything. To reflect this adaptability, humans do not have a limited list of trained skills, and may choose any one of them. Humans in Tridia are considered adults at 20, and can live up to 100 years. Common is a human’s native language, and instead of gaining a second language at character creation, they may purchase the trained skill Polyglot for half price (10 xp).
Humans require no special accessories to denote your character’s race. Congratulations! You already look like a human!
Trained Skill Options: Any


Dwarves are stout and strong descendants of fae, known for their talents in metalworking and making mountains their home. Already masters of surviving underground, dwarves fared quite well after the onset of the Tempest, and some of their ancient cities and fortresses still stand today. Dwarves are a proud race, fiercely protective of their territory and people, be it their city and fellow dwarves, or simply their home and immediate relatives. A predominantly dwarven culture values hard work, loyalty, and honoring their history. Every dwarf keeps a braid in their hair or beard adorned with beads, usually of some sentimental value. Dwarves mature physically at the same rate as a human, but are not considered mature adults until 40, and can live up to 200.
Dwarves require at minimum, one braided strand of hair adorned with beads, typically metallic but may be other materials, hanging from their head or beard. Clip-on braided hair with metal colored beads is an easy way to fulfill this requirement.
Trained Skill Options: Armorsmithing, Brewing, Gaming, Jewelsmithing, Mining, Weaponsmithing.


Descendants of the fae known for their affinity for nature and the beauty of the world around them. Their lifespan is longest of all races in Tridia, living as old as 300. They physically mature by age 30, but as far as elves are concerned, they are not considered mature, independent adults until age 60.
Elves require exceptionally long and pointed ears to denote their race, but otherwise share physical traits common among humans.
Trained Skill Options: Artistic Ability, Bowyer/Fletcher, Etiquette, Leatherworking, Tracking, Wilderness Survival


Old prejudices still linger with some elves, but these days many half-elves live harmoniously amongst elves and humans. Much of the human jealousy comes from the fact Half Elves reach maturity around 20, but can continue experiencing the world as far as 200 years.
Half Elves require short pointed ears to denote your character’s race, and otherwise look very much like a human.
Trained Skill Options: Agriculture, Armorsmithing, Cooking, Leatherworking, Wilderness Survival, Weaponsmithing


Trolls within Tridia are water-born beings. At the onset of the Tempest, they fled below the waterline to caverns in lakes or to the security of swampland bogs, and have evolved more and more to adapt to their murky environments. Through the history of half trolls within Tridia, many humans and trolls have come to share some mixed heritage.
A half troll can be born one of three ways:
1) The human heritage emerges from a troll pairing and they typically drop the baby off somewhere for humans to find.
2) The troll heritage emerges from a very confused human pairing and they do their best.
3) A very brave and charismatic human finds a troll and goes about it the typical way.
Half troll mixed heritage allows them to age faster, reaching full adulthood by age 15, but their lifespans are shorter than most, ending around the age of 60.
**Half trolls require several phys reps, being the most monstrous of the playable races. They are covered in scales which must be represented by simple scale makeup, that is a hue of green or blue, at minimum along the edges of the face and exposed skin. Half trolls may also have other monstrous traits, such as seaweed-like and tubular spines for hair, dorsal fins on arms and legs, as well as sharpened teeth, tusks, or yellowed eyes.
Trained Skill Options: Agriculture, Cooking, Leatherworking, Tracking, Wilderness Survival, Weaponsmithing


Orcs have always been known to be strong and resilient even in the harshest of climates, and have continued to adapt and survive even after the onset of the Tempest. Orcs are regularly larger than humans, and are historically known for managing problems with brute force. Those unfamiliar with orcs might make the mistake of assuming that this is due to a lack of intelligence. Although they may have a simpler, more straightforward way of looking at things, they are just as keen of mind as the longer-lived races. Orcs reach adulthood around 15 and typically don’t live past the age of 50.
*Orcs require coloration around the eyes and cheekbones, with shades from green to dark gray to denote your character’s race. Orc players may also choose to wear short tusk phys reps on the lower jaw.
Trained Skill Options: Artistic Ability, Brewing, Leatherworking, Tracking, Wilderness Survival, Weaponsmithing


Lacuna descendants of beings from another plane of existence, destroyed long ago by some cataclysmic event. Lacuna are unique in that they can reproduce with any other humanoid race (known as their ‘base’). The child of a mixed pairing will inherit traits of both parents, such as the pointed ears of an elf, or the tusks of an orc, along with purple skin and horns of the lacuna. This child is still considered lacuna, as the lacuna physical characteristics are just as prominent in later generations regardless of how far removed from the original “full lacuna” they are. Due to their alien visage, those unfamiliar with lacuna are often distrustful, fearful, or even bewildered by them. For this reason, many lacuna prefer to seek out other lacuna to bond with, though they do often find camaraderie with Half-trolls, Sylph, and other monstrous-looking misfits and outcasts. Aside from their unique mix of physical characteristics, Lacuna share the same age ranges as their base race.
**Lacuna require the same requirements of their base race, with the distinction of an added pair of horns or antlers, and a purplish hue around their eyes and tip of their nose. Aside from the horns and purple hue, their characteristics can be as varied as their base race’s.
Trained Skill Options: Disguise, Etiquette, Perform, Polyglot, Scribe, Tailoring


 These magical creatures, full blooded fae, spread out to the material plane from their home plane of The Veil after its destruction at the hands of a Dragon. Sylphs all descend from one of five Houses within the Veil’s hierarchy. These Houses are separated into 4 types of flora, with the fifth being the looked down upon Unhoused. Sylph lifespans can be just as long as their Elvish cousins, reaching adulthood between 40-60, and living to anywhere between 200 and 300 years.
**Slyph require the physical aspects that align with their House. These Houses are represented with a type of plant, which must be represented by attaching leaves or plants along the face or in hair, but may also incorporate these elements into the character’s garb and clothing itself. All Sylph may also have some variety in their appearance beyond the plants, such as vestigial bug-like wings (not feathered), or antennae on their foreheads. This is required for Unhoused Sylph.
Trained Skill Options: Agriculture, Gaming, Jewelsmithing, Perform, Polyglot, Tailoring

Sylph Houses
  • Coniferous – The folk of birth and brightness resemble evergreen plants or bright flowers. Spring-like.
  • Deciduous – The folk of twilight and midlife resemble the fading plants of late year, in dull browns and vibrant reds and oranges, and harvest plants. Autumnal.  
  • Insiduous – The folk of death and endings resemble plants known for poisons and toxins, and can often be confused for Coniferous or Deciduous slyphs, with bright Nightshades or red Poison Ivys. They more commonly have coloration of purples and blues. 
  • Shroomish – The folk of rot and rebirth. They resemble fungal growths of all sorts, from fuzzy molds to bright mushroom caps.
  • Unhoused – The unhoused were never aligned with any of the great four trees, and can look the most varied. Typically, if you don’t look like you belong to one of the main four, you belong to the unhoused and have far less respect and a stigma upon you, at least amongst other sylph. The unhoused are often more bug-like in appearance, with additional bug eyes or even extra limbs tucked tight.