Shepherds of the beauty and brutality of Nature, watchers of the winds and stars, tenders to growth and decay alike.
Restrictions: May not learn Void.
Free Stuff: Rank 1 of one Nature Philosophy, Ritual Casting
Governing Skill: Nature
Slot Skill: Nature Spell Slots
Class Skills: Nature Philosophies (Astronomy, Decay, Fauna, Flora, Weather), Wild Form
Trained Skill Options: Lore (Nature), Agriculture, Leatherworking, Wilderness Survival
Specializations: Beastlord, Hierophant, Starcaller
The Beastlord focuses on self-sustainability in and out of combat.
Skill: Beast’s Heart – Allows the Druid to cast Nature Spells while Wild Formed, up to the rank of Beast’s Heart. These spells cannot be improved with philosophies. The Druid gains an additional 4 Hit Points per rank of Beast’s Heart while Wild Formed to their current and maximum. At Rank 1 the Druid may also use claw phys reps up to 36” long.
R2 Spell: Licked Wounds
Philosophies: Fauna 1 Required
Range: Caster
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: Self
Resist: None
The Druid heals themself for 10 health, plus 2 per rank of Fauna. This spell may be used with philosophies while in Wild Form.
R4 Spell: Ninth Life
Philosophies: Fauna 4 Required
Range: Caster
Duration: 8 hours
Area of Effect: Self
Resist: None
Hung Spell: During this spell’s duration, this spell allows the Druid to return to life with 1 HP after dying once combat has ended. This spell may only be cast once a day.
The Hierophant focuses on healing and plant-attuned abilities.
Skill: Touch of Green – The Druid may apply Touch of Green as a second healing philosophy to healing spells, and may increase the amount of Armor points granted by spells that increase or mend Armor Points.
R2 Spell: Forest Walk
Philosophies: None Required
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour per rank of Touch of Green
Area of Effect: 1 Creature +1 per rank of Flora
Resist: None
The targets of this spell become immune to natural movement hindrances in areas with plant growth.
R4 Spell: Pollen Expanse
Philosophies: Flora 3 Required
Range: Caster
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of Effect: Field
This spell negates the effect of toxins up to the Druid’s rank of Touch of Green. Gives all creatures on the field use of Rank 1 Blind Fighting while they are planted.
The Starcaller focuses on damaging and destructive abilities.
Skill: Cosmic Force – This skill allows damage spells with an Area of Effect greater than single target, such as a cone or radius spell, to apply Cosmic Force as a second damage philosophy. This philosophy applies Fire or Light during the day, and Ice or Dark during the night. When in a location where there is no day cycle, this philosophy deals Earth or Air. This skill may still be used to fulfill Astronomy requirements on spells.
Cosmic Force may also allow the Druid to use a slot equal or lower than rank of Cosmic Force to cast two copies of a lower rank spell (so a rank 4 slot would create two rank 3 spells, etc.) These replicated two spells may not benefit from applied philosophies
R2 Spell: Comet
Philosophies: Astronomy 1 Required
Range: Spellball
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: Single target
Resists: None
This spell deals 2 damage + philosophies and inflicts Knockdown (as the Combat technique) on the target.
R4 Spell: Starfire
Philosophies: Astronomy 3 Required
Range: Caster / Spellball
Duration: 30 Minutes or until thrown
Area of Effect: 1 Held Weapon/ 1 Creature
Resist: None
This spell wreaths a held weapon in bright starfire. This increases the caster’s damage with that weapon by 1 per rank of Astronomy. This energy may be pulled from the weapon and hurled as a spellball, dealing 4 damage + 1 damage per rank of Astronomy in a 5’ radius and knocking the targets on their back and ending the spell.