The Goddess
Luna, the Deceiver, the Gluttonous, Mother of Wolves, by far the most secluded and shadowed religion among the settlers of the Bowl.
Shard, and her religion as well, are known as the greediest most selfish beings in the world. Their insatiable desire for personal gain dwarfs even Raashian’s bloodlust and Terrheart’s mercy. If they can stab their mother to gain a gold, and use that gold to buy a better knife to stab their father, they will. The followers worship her for they are promised a true paradise after life, or undeath, or whatever it is their hearts truly desire most.
The head of the church of Shard is better described as the Heads. There are always 3 who claim the position of arch-priest. However even in their own church, they will never claim it for themselves. It is often rumored they know which is the true appointed of Shard, but it is also wondered if they all three separately are. They are known by titles, of the Waxing priest, the Waning priest, and the Full priest.
Deception Zenith~ Elvidinex, mirrored multi-faced being, the epitome of deception, is an ever changing and fluxing creature.Its power is immense compared to many similar gods, for its power is derived from every falsehood and lie told, which span from the youngest of children to the oldest of beings. It is claimed any lie can be told by it, as well as any falsehood can easily be discerned.
Moon Zenith~ Heliogibbous, the legend says she is the moon itself, appointed to place by Shard to shed light on her follows and the world below, and to birth the were-creatures that harken to Shard undeniably. Upon the full moons, her smile is seen by every follower.
Greed Zenith~ Avarious, symbolized simply by a disembodied mouth with hundreds of teeth, it is legended as the ever gluttonous, bottomless maw of Shard. It is said for every 5 copper given to charity, only 4 make it to the cups, for Avarious swallows a fifth before it falls.
The Avatana, a tome that is ALWAYS well made, bound in white leather with black pages, the text of which is white. This tome is revered by every follower, and every copy is special, though limited, and their teachings therein are as plentiful as they are withheld. It has fully charted diagrams of the phases of the moon, various types of were creatures and what they mean to the faith, and many tales of legended followers throughout history.
Most importantly, however, these books are made with the purest purpose of enticing and bringing others into Shard’s faith. When a nonbeliever opens these tomes, it will reveal promises and enticements, telling of their greatest desires, how the faith would aid them in gaining them, and their greatest paradises in after life. Though it is known that experienced and strong willed adventurers can avoid its lure.
Tenets: The tenets of Shard are imbued within the promises the tome’s tell. Sprinkled in their promises are controlling terms and binding rules.
Must attempt to take an unfair share- the world is yours to have, the paradises yours to behold, you deserve more than others for you truly worked the hardest.
May not harm were-creatures- your kin and bloodfolk of the moon, these innocent and defenseless creatures will guide you to paradise when your time is to come.
A lie for gain is preferable to the truth- when your goals and aspirations are true, and seek a divine presence among Shard, you must take whatever means that is to acquire it, even if that means falsehoods to keep your true intentions secured.
May not speak in truth during the full moon- One must ever be wary, for speaking too much information freely of yourself could corrupt and destroy your chances at paradise. Keep your truths guarded and close, and freely spread falsehoods to protect your claim.
May not give to charity- Your gains and personal growths will lead to your paradise, and giving to others freely and without earning it show a failure to strive for their own paradise. One must never aid those without the heart and drive to gain their own claim.
Shard’s New Day; celebrated the day before every full moon, in conjunction with Shard’s tenet of falsehoods, these days are celebrated by the typical lies, but many Shardians will take the face and robings of other churches, and take charity in their name, on the behalf of Shard.
Shard’s New Year; celebrated upon the First New Moon in June, Shardians celebrate the turning over their new year. The night is celebrated with debauchery and dances, wearing little clothing but a mask, and bedecked with jewelry. Generally considered a jovial celebration, if you ignore the part where they sacrifice animals or people to a pit of were-creatures, typically wolves.
Shard’s Claim; This is a “holiday” of sorts celebrated differently by every Shardian. It is an edict by Shard simply to claim any and all holidays, to overshadow those of other churches, to claim them as their own, to cover it up as Shardian, to take and take the holidays for herself.
Deception – Utility. May bolster shield/armor spells: +2 hp per rank to shield or shell spells and +1/1 per rank to armor or +B/L spells. When applied to a spell, If the caster casts a beneficial spell upon the target, they may also apply that spell to themselves, if the rank of spell equals their rank of this philosophy, up to rank 3. This effect may not be applied to potions/enchants unless the creator is the one using it.
Greed – Adds 1 point of damage per Rank. May alternatively return damage done by the caster as healing.
Moon – Adds 1 point to healing spells. During the night, adds 2 points instead.