Wardens of Nature, though not as closely attuned to it as their Druidic brethren, Rangers more easily walk the line between the natural world and society, using skills taught by both environments to defend (or hunt) all under their watchful eye.
Restrictions: May not learn Arcane or Divine magic. May not learn Void.
Free Stuff: Rank 1 Prowess, Hunter’s Mark
Governing Skills: Combat OR Nature OR Stealth*
Slot Skills: (both in-benefit) Nature Spell Slots. Combat OR Stealth Slots*
Class Skills: Philosophies (choice of two Nature philosophies considered In Benefit), Prowess
Trained Skill Options: Lore (Nature) or (Culture), Leatherworking, Tracking, Wilderness Survival
Unique Class Ability – Hunter’s Mark:
Once per long rest, the Ranger may designate a target as their quarry, gaining a damage buff against the target, and becoming better at tracking them.
*Rangers get Nature and (Combat or Stealth) slots in-benefit. Rangers may choose between Nature and their melee skill to be their main Governing Skill.