Special Note:
The Stormweaver is an entirely non-combat class. During combat they will stand off the field, and may not engage in the combat in any way (unlike Orange Sash players). Should their party entirely fall, the Stormweaver falls with them when the combat state ends.
Stormweavers are still encouraged to purchase appropriate martial skills such as Endurance and Resists.
Stormweavers MAY buy class skills out of benefit, but this does not change their non-combat status.
Restrictions: May not participate in combat. Orange sash in roleplay
Free Stuff: Rank 1 Stone Channeling of choice
Governing Skill: Stone Channeling (Stormweaver Exclusive)
Slot Skill: None
Class Skills: None
Trained Skill Options: Any
Stormweavers are not granted power by a higher being, nor do they try to wrest control over reality itself. Instead they are sages who work with the chaos that surround them, weaving the power of the Tempest into a force that can aid their allies.
Stone Channeling
To control the magic in the Tempest, Stormweavers channel their magic through a physical stone they create and carry with them. These stones are bound to the Stormweaver and cannot be exchanged, lost or stolen. Stone Channeling is split into several types of stones, and the skill is purchased individually for 10 xp per rank.
The magic of Stone Channeling is powerful, and only 3 effects from them may be used in an area at a time, even if those are from different sources. The Stormweaver may pick which 3 stones they are Channeling at the end of a Rest or Recover period. Channels are considered buffs and follow the same rules as Techniques and Spells.
Diamond: Defensive Channel
Rank 1: Party gains +2 AP to light armor, and +1 DR to shields
Rank 2: Party gains +6 AP to light armor, +1 DR to shields, and +1 DR to body
Rank 3: Party gains +10 AP to light armor, +3 DR to shields, and +2 DR to body
Emerald: Healing Channel
Rank 1: Party gains +5 max health, ability to heal self 4 once per Recover.
Rank 2: Party gains +10 max health; heal self 10 once per Recover.
Rank 3: Party gains +15 max health; heal self 10 twice per Recover, heal 10 once automatically upon 0 body.
Jade: Lucky Channel
Rank 1: First throw in all challenges is at advantage.
Rank 2: First throw in all challenges is an automatic win.
Rank 3: First throw in all challenges is an automatic win, and the rest are at advantage.
Labradorite: Gatherer’s Gift Channel
This skill only improves one gathering instance per recovery period, not all procurements.(mining ore, leatherworking skins, etc).
Rank 1: Allows the gathering of one more item per gathering skill on the next procurement.
Rank 2: Allows the gathering of three more items per gathering skill on next procurement.
Rank 3: Allows gathering of five more items per gathering skill on next procurement.
Obsidian: Offensive Channel
Rank 1: Party gains +1 to weapon damage.
Rank 2: Party gains +2 to weapon damage, and +2 to weapon break.
Rank 3: Party gains +3 to weapon damage, and +5 to weapon break.
Opal: Amplifying Channel
Rank 1: Party’s damage and healing spells increase by 1.
Rank 2: Party’s damage and healing spells increase by 2, and gain a Rank 1 and Rank 2 slot of their main purchased governing tree.
Rank 3: Party’s damage and healing spells increase by 3, and gain a Rank 1, Rank 2, and rank 3 slot of their main purchased governing tree.
Sapphire: Elemental Channel
This Channel is purchased per pairing. (Fire/Ice) (Air/Earth), (Light/Dark).
Rank 1: Party gains resistance of DR 1 to one element of pairing, or reduces weakness by 1.
Rank 2: Party gains resistance of DR 3 to one element of pairing, or reduces weakness by 3.
Rank 3: Party gains resistance of DR 5 to one element of pairing, or reduces weakness by 5.
Tiger’s Eye: Sight Channel
Rank 1: Party gains detect magic up to 15’.
Rank 2: Party gains See Invisibility.
Rank 3: Party gains See Invisibility and Blind Fighting 3.
Topaz: Enduring Channel
Rank 1: Party reduces all Exhaustion gains by 1.
Rank 2: Party reduces all Exhaustion gains by 2.
Rank 3: Party reduces all Exhaustion gains by 3.