As close a thing to ‘hell on earth’ that exists in Tridia, the Brimstone Badlands is a desert region known for its unforgiving hostile landscape. At the heart of the Badlands and the edge of a perilous mountain range, the volcanic Mount Dreadfall looms over the surrounding foothills, constantly oozing rivers of lava from its jagged peaks. The entrance to Brimgul Deep lies at its base in a formidable red stone fortress. Beyond the mountains are rocky foothills of inhospitable wasteland, and mazes of cave systems home to demons and other monstrosities. In rolling hills of red sand to the south lies Skittering Bluff, once the lair of monstrous bugs and now home of the orcs of Kardak’Nul, and the Shroomish of Underbloom.
Local Legend: Some say the Badlands were formed by the fiery breath of a dragon scorching the land on the day they created the Tempest. Others say the magic of the Tempest tore a rift in the planes, allowing demonic energy to seep into our world. Some people even insist upon the existence of a ‘city of demons’ somewhere far out in the wastes, claiming it to be the location of a gateway to hell itself.
Typical Threats: The Badlands are home to the highest known concentration of demonic activity in Tridia. Sentient demons and their loyal pactbound are known to wander the badlands. Other creatures commonly found are fire elementals, and other monstrous desert creatures. The land is too hostile to support any ‘normal’ animals or plant life, and any creature met out in the wastes will have special capabilities that allow them to survive. It is a reasonable expectation that any creature met out in the badlands will probably try to kill you.
Note: ‘Demon’ is the general term for sentient creatures native to the infernal planes of Marissa Darkdreams, Shard, and Raash. Despite their origin, they do not necessarily serve the gods, but most have magical divine abilities. They are a vast category of creature and their power, intelligence, and appearances range wildly. There are no ‘good’ demons, and they always have malicious intent, though some are willing to ally themselves with people for their own gain.
Typical Tempest Surges: Fire and Earth, occasionally Dark. Rather than rain, the Tempest here rages in the form of a massive sandstorm.
Closest other regions: Stormgard to the east. The Valley of Bones to the north. The Hills of Iron to the northwest.