
Spellcasters with a mastery over reality, Mages command primordial forces of magic to bring their will into being.

Restriction: May not learn Void.
Free Stuff: Rank 1 of one Arcane Philosophy, Ritual Casting
Governing Skill: Arcane
Slot Skill: Arcane Spell Slots
Class Skills: Arcane Philosophies (Air, Dark, Earth, Fire, Ice), Inscribe Scroll
Trained Skill Options: Lore (Arcana), Etiquette, Scribe, Tailoring
Specializations: Arcanist, Elementalist, Necrocarnate


The Arcanist focuses on utility and support, bulking up their in and out of combat repertoire.

Skill: Fundamentals – The Mage may combine lower rank slots to form a higher rank slot that has been expended, as many times a day equal to their rank of Fundamentals. The number of lower rank slots must equal the rank of the higher slot. (Three rank 1 slots to form one rank 3, one rank 2 plus one rank 1, etc)

R2 Spell: Bolster Apparatus
Philosophies: None Required
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of Effect: 1 Object Per rank of Fundamentals
Resists: None
Increase the current and maximum Armor Points of a suit of worn armor by 5 points, a weapon’s break by 5, or Heavy Armor’s DR or a Shield’s DR by 1, up to DR5. May not be applied to an item more than once every 30 minutes.

R4 Spell: Down to Basics
Philosophies: None Required
Range: Caster
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: Self
Resists: None
The Mage regains an expended rank 1, 2, and 3 Arcane slot. These Regained slots cannot be used for Fundamentals shifting.


The Elementalist focuses on a greater number of energy spells, typically for damage variety.

Skill: Tapped Source – May pick an elemental damage type at ranks 2 and 4, and may switch any spell cast’s damage to that type.(i.e, pick Fire at rank 2, may change Lighting Bolt to Fire damage.) This does not replace requirements for spells. The Mage becomes Resistant to the chosen element at Rank 2 and 4.
Spells with an Area of Effect greater than single target, such as a cone or radius spell may apply Tapped Source as a second damage philosophy.

R2 Spell: Read the Aura
Philosophies: None Required
Range: Caster
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: Line of Sight
Resists: None
This spell allows the caster to see a target’s strengths and weaknesses against elements; the number of targets able to be discerned is equal to 1 +1 per rank of Prestige.

R4 Spell: Prismatic Ray
Philosophies: None Required
Range: Spellball
Duration: 30 Minutes/Instant
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Resists: None
The Elementalist conjures 3 rays of primatic energy. Each ray deals base 8 damage + 1 per rank of an Arcane philosophy. The caster may apply any one Arcane philosophy to each individual ray. These rays persist until the end of the combat, or until they are used. This Spell cannot be cast again until all of the rays have been used.


The Necrocarnate focuses on life energy manipulation, which allows new forms of “healing”, buffing and effective melee combat.

Skill: Lingering Essence – gain a pool of points whose maximum equals 5 points per rank of Lingering Essence. When a creature dies on the field with the Mage, gain 5 points to fill this pool. This pool may be used to magically heal an ally at 1 point for 1 Health, or added to the damage of a spell at one point per rank of Lingering Essence, up to 2 times the rank (max of +10 damage). These points reset to 0 at the beginning of events. It is up to the Mage to actively track when a creature on the field dies, and must actively utilize Lingering Essence at the moment of dying to gain the points for their pool. This does not require line of sight, but cognizance of the field and when things die to actively use the skill.

R2 Spell: Corpse Communal
Philosophies: None Required
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: 1 Deceased Creature
Resists: None
This spell allows the Mage to speak with the deceased. This spell lasts for one minute. This spell can affect a creature that has been dead for one day at Lingering Essence rank 2, one week at rank 3, one month at rank 4, and one year at rank 5. The deceased will only answer with facts of the body’s experience (what they have seen, heard, felt, etc), and will not discuss opinion, hypotheticals, or theory.

R4 Spell: Borrowed Time
Philosophies: Dark 3 Required
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of Effect: 1 Deceased Creature
Resists: None
This spell allows the Mage to bring a corpse back to action, though it is but a half life. The body may continue to fight, with half its max health. This creature cannot benefit from healing, and the body will drop dead again at the end of combat. The creature has its own will. The spell does not negate the use of Resurrection/Word of Immortality. This spell may be cast by use of 20 points of Living Essence pool if available as opposed to a slot.