
Restrictions: None
Free Stuff: Rank 1 Inspiration
Governing Skill: Performance
Slot Skills: Performance Slots
Class Skills: Inspiration , Jack of All Trades 
Trained Skill Options: Lore: (Any), Perform, Polyglot, Scribe
Specializations: Charlatan, Scholar, and Skald

The Charlatan focuses on stealth and guile to support their skillset.
Skill: Silent Songbird – allows the Bard to perform a song silently, applying the effect to allies or enemies without the need for sound. The Bard must continue to roleplay singing/playing their instrument, and every way that a performance may end still applies. Rank of technique must be equal or lesser to the rank of Silent Songbird. 
Rank 2: Glib: Grant the Bard or an ally the use of an immediate Etiquette for a previously said statement. 
Rank 4: Prep Time: allows the Bard and his allies to win on ties for any upcoming challenges regarding stealth, traps, finding useful information, or any applicable challenges for a specific set end goal.

The Scholar focuses on magical abilities to support their utility. 
Skill: Magical Insight – This skill allows the Bard to use Inspiration on a caster, refunding a slot for a missed spell as well as techniques; this spell must be equal to the Bard’s rank of Magical Insight.
This skill also allows the Bard to discern active magic on a creature, a number of effects equal to the rank of Magical Insight. The Bard can discern the exact magical effect if it is equal to the rank of Magical Insight; if the effect is higher, then the Bard only knows the rank of the effect. The number of discerned effects can be used on one creature or spread out across several. “No magical effects” takes one use as well. 
Rank 2: Chant: The Bard’s allies gain +1 to damage and healing spells cast. This effect lasts as long as the Bard is performing. 
Rank 4: Chorus: The Bard’s target may cast their next spell at two simultaneous targets with the singular casting. The Bard must continue to perform during the casting of this spell. 

The Skald focuses on combative abilities to support their fight.
Skill:  Encourage – Gain a pool of Health that the Bard may divide between themself and allies: This pool earns 10 points per rank of Encourage, renewed after a long rest. A single person may not gain more than 5 health per rank of Encourage (max of 25 per person at R5). For instance, Encourage 3 grants 30 hit points, they can give 10 points to one ally, 10 to another, and 10 to themself. Increases current & max health. Max HP buff lasts till a long rest.
Rank 2: Dishearten 2: -2 to enemy swing while the Bard is performing. 
Rank 4: Dirge: This song allows allies to fight to half their negative max Health before falling unconscious. This effect lasts as long as the Bard continues to perform.  If the song ends while anyone is conscious but below 0, they will fall unconscious and begin bleeding out.